Laboratory of spin physics and spin chemistry

Voronkova V. K.Head of the laboratory: 
Voronkova V. K.,
tel.: +7 (843) 231 90 86

Staff and postgraduate students:
Abdarakhmanova S.B., Andreeva A.I., Andrianov V.V., Bakirov M.M., Volkov M.Yu., Gainutdinov Kh.L., Galeev R.T., Gnezdilov O.I., Zaripov R.B., Iyudin V. S., Kandrashkin Yu.E., Kataev V.E., Konov K.B., Konov A.B., Mambetov A.E., Mingalieva L.V., Savostina L. I., Solovarov N.K., Sukhanov A.A., Khairuzhdinov I.T., Khuseeva L.G., Yafarova G.G., Yatsyk I.V.

Main fields of research:

The development of EPR - and NMR - spectroscopy methods and their application to the study of spin properties of new materials and biological objects and the implementation of quantum algorithms on the electronic and nuclear spins.

Directions and results of research
Contacts with the other institutions, international co-operation
Basic publications