Лаборатория физики ферроиков и функциональных материалов
Избранные публикации
2019 год
- Iakovleva M., Janson O., Grafe H-J, Dioguardi A. P., Maeter H., Yeche N., Klauss H-H, Pascua G., Luetkens H., Moeller A., Büchner B., Kataev V., Vavilova E.: Ground state and low-temperature magnetism of the quasi-two-dimensional honeycomb compound InCu2/3V1/3O3. Phys. Rev. B 100, № 14, 144442 (2019)
Pavlov D.P., Zagidullin R.R., Mukhortov V.M., Kabanov V.V., Adachi T., Kawamata T., Koike Y., Mamin R.F.: Fabrication of high-temperature quasi-two-dimensional superconductors at the interface of a ferroelectric Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 film and an insulating parent compound of La2CuO4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 237001(1–4) (2019)
Lysogorskii Yu.V., Piyanzina I.I., Leontyev A.V., Elshin A.S., Tayurskii D.A., Kabanov V.V., Mamin R.F.: Structural, electronic, and optical properties of heterointerface based on antiferromagnet LaMnO3 and ferroelectrics isostructural to BaTiO3. Ferroelectrics 541, iss. 1, 74–78 (2019)
Lysogorskiy Yu.V., Piyanzina I.I., Bannikov M.I., Pavlov D.P., Leontyev A.V., Gilmutdinov I.F., Yusupov R.V., Mamin R.F., Tayurskii D.A., Kabanov V.V.: Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ferroelectric/dielectric heterostructures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 699, 012025(1–5) (2019)
Mamin R.F., Pavlov D.P., Piyanzina I.I., Lysogorskiy Yu.V., Mukhortov V.M., Adachi T., Kawamata T., Koike Y., Balbashev A.M., Tayurskii D.A., Kabanov V.V.: Tailoring quasi-two-dimensional high conductivity and superconductivity areas at the interfaces of ferroelectric/dielectric heterostructures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 699, 012026(1–5) (2019)
Mamin R.F., Zharkov D.K., Pavlov D.P., Kabanov V.V.: Quasi-two-dimensional electron gas at the interface of two dielectrics: ferroelectric and antiferromagnet. Ferroelectrics 541, iss. 1, 93–98 (2019)
Migachev S.A., Mamin R.F.: Optical stimulated transfer from glass state to polar phase in relaxors. Ferroelectrics 541, iss. 1, 99–104 (2019)
Pavlov D.P., Bannikov M.I., Garig’yanov N.N., Salikhov T.M., Kabanov V.V., Mamin R.F.: High temperature superconductivity at the interface – Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3/La2CuO4. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 699, 012035(1–5) (2019)
Pavlov D.P., Garif’yanov N.N., Leontyev A.V., Zharkov D.K., Kabanov V.V., Mamin R.F.: Quasi-two-dimensional electron system at the interface between antiferromagnet LaMnO3 and ferroelectric Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3. Ferroelectrics 542, iss. 1, 1–6 (2019)
Piyanzina I.I., Pavlov D.P., Zagidullin R.R., Tayurskii D.A., Mamin R.F.: Structural and electronic properties of heterointerface composed of non-polar oxides: SrTiO3 and ferroelectric BaTiO3. Ferroelectrics 542, iss. 1, 7–12 (2019)
Shaposhnikova T.S., Mamin R.F.: Heterogeneous ferromagnetic state in small particles and its connection with ferroelectricity. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 699, 012044 (1–5) (2019)
Жарков Д.К., Леонтьев А.В., Павлов Д.П., Мамин Р.Ф.: Особенности фотоиндуцированной проводимости гетероструктур на основе сложных оксидов лантана и стронция. Известия РАН. Серия физическая 83, № 12, 1633–1634 (2019)
Павлов Д.П., Шапошникова Т.С., Чибирев А.О., Головко Ю.И., Мухортов В.М., Мамин Р.Ф.: Высокопроводящий слой на границе сегнетоэлектрика BaSrTiO3 и ферромагнетика LaMnO3. Известия РАН. Серия физическая 83, № 12, 1675–1679 (2019)
2018 год
- Kabanov V.V., Piyanzina I.I., Tayurskii D.A., Mamin R.F.: Towards high-temperature quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity. Phys. Rev. B 98, 094522 (2018)
Vyalikh A., Zschornak M., Köhler T., Nentwich M., Weigel T., Hanzig J., Zaripov R., Vavilova E., Gemming S., Brendler E., Meyer D. C. Analysis of the defect clusters in congruent lithium tantalite. Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 013804 (2018)
Iakovleva M., Fuchs S., Alfonsov A., Grafe H.-J., Vogl M., Aswartham M., Wurmehl S., Dey T., Büchner B., Vavilova E., Kataev V.: Static and dynamic magnetism of the Ir-based double perovskites La2BIrO6
(B = Co, Zn) probed by magnetic resonance spectroscopies. Phys. Rev. B 98, 174401 (2018)
Mamin R.F., Shaposhnikova T.S., Kabanov V.V.: Phase separation and second-order phase transition in the phenomenological model for a Coulomb-frustrated two-dimensional system. Phys. Rev. B 97, 094415 (2018)
Migachev S.A., Mamin R.F., Rayevsky I.P., Raevskaya S.I.: Photostimulated currents in single crystals of lead magnoniobate and lead magnoniobate titanate. Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci.: Physics 82, no. 3, 332–334 (2018)
Piyanzina I.I., Lysogorskiy Yu.V., Tayurskii D.A., Mamin R.F.: Electronic properties of a two-dimensional electron gas at the interface between transition metal complex oxides. Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci.: Physics 82, no. 3, 234–237 (2018)
Шапошникова Т.С., Мамин Р.Ф.: Разработка феноменологической модели фазового разделения на примере манганита. Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ. Физ.-мат. науки 11, № 3, 17–26 (2018)