Group of Nanooptics and Nanoplasmonics
- Glass Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications. Eds. B. Karmakar, K. Rademann, A.L. Stepanov. Waltham: Elsevier, 2016
- A.L. Stepanov, Photonics media with nanoparticles synthesized by ion implantation, Saarbrucken: Lambert Acad. Publ. 2014 [in Russian]
- A.L. Stepanov, A. Drezet, J.R. Krenn, Surface Plasmon-Polariton Nanooptics. New York: Nova Sci. Pub. 2012
- A.L. Stepanov, Ion-synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their optical properties. New York: Nova Sci. Pub. 2010
Main fields of research:
Nanophotonis materials, functioning on the basis of the effects of Raman scattering, photoluminescence, nonlinear optical and diffraction properties generated and enhanced in the local evanescent electromagnetic fields of metal and semiconductor nanostructures.
General scientific tasks:
- Diamond nanophotonics and integrated optics
The development of high-tech ion-radiation nanotechnologies for a formation of nanomaterials and nanostructures based on diamond for applications in integrated diffraction optics and nanoplasmonics.
- Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) of organic compounds located in plasmonic field of metal nanoparticles
Development and testing of new approaches for the creation of functional materials containing of noble metal nanoparticles with a defined granulometric parameters exhibiting plasmon resonance excitation, and the study of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) on such composites for varieties of organic compounds in order to improve the chemical and biological properties of the sensor.
- Plasmonic diffractive optics based on micro- and nanostructures
Creating a highly ordered periodic microstructures on the substrate surfaces with predetermined geometric forms containing of noble metal nanoparticles on which observed an optical sensory properties due to the simultaneous input of nanoparticle plasmon resonant absorption and the optical diffraction effects from ordered microstructures.
- Nonlinear-optical materials based on metal nanoparticles that exhibit plasmon resonances
Ion synthesis of new types of composite materials with metal nanoparticles in an optically transparent matrix (Glass, ZnO, TiO2, Sapphire, Diamond, etc.) and the study on their nonlinear optical refraction and absorption effects as well as optical limiting under femto - and picosecond laser pulses over a wide spectral range of visible and near infrared regions.
- The luminescence of the quantum dots in the plasmon field of metal nanoparticles
The formation of hybrid materials based on polymers with CdS and CdSe quantum dot combined with media containing noble nanoparticles and the study of excitation and enhanced photoluminescence of quantum dots which are located in the plasmon field of nanoparticles.
- Ion synthesis of porous semiconductors with metal nanoparticles
Development of new fabrication methods of porous silicon and germanium layers with metal nanoparticles by low-energy high-dose ion implantation for nanoelectronics applications.
- Radiation nanostructuring of polymers
Nanostructuring of polymers by the acceleratung ions of various chemical elements and the study of the characteristics of the modified structures from organic compounds by positron annihilation, Raman and optical absorption spectroscopy. Design and creation of plasmonic composites based on polymers with ion-synthesized metal nanoparticles.